Nutrition & Carotenoids

Plant and human tissues (e.g., leaves, retina) share the need for carotenoids to protect against light-induced and other oxidative stresses.

While plants are able to make carotenoids de novo, humans must obtain them primarily through plant-based foods. Of the 750+ carotenoids found in nature, 40 to 50 are found in the human diet and approximately 18 are found in human blood, of which α-carotene, β-carotene, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and β-cryptoxanthin are the most common. Remarkably, the central retina (an area know as the macula that mediates central and colour vision) concentrates only 3 carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin. Meso-zeaxanthin is the strongest antioxidant of the 3 and is essential to ensure we have a full protective pigment at the macula.

The three nutrients (MZ, L & Z) found in macular pigment only come from our diets. However, the American diet, even when healthy is deficient in carotenoids. Supplementation is the only way to ensure we get enough to rebuild and maximize macular pigment.


We Are in an era of nutrient-deficient foods

Of note, a global impact on the plant carotenoid concentrations will be consequential for human health. Work by Nolan and Loladze discusses the impact of rising C02 on carotenoid density in plants and consequently in human diets which represents a major concern for human health and function. 

Even standard healthy diets are lacking in sufficient amounts of the carotenoids required to serve the many carotenoid reservoirs in the body (body fat, for example). Therefore, specialized tissues such at the retina and brain that require the carotenoids to protect against oxidative damage are venerable because of a deficiency of these antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Thankfully, the carotenoid formulations now available from memoreyez offer purified and scientifically validated formulations to address this deficiency and protect the health and wellness of your customer.

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