Study Overview: Aquamin shows increased Calcium Carbonate bioavailability for premenopausal women.
This year in the Journal of Medicinal Food, Marigot published the results of a new clinical study on the effect of Aquamin on markers of calcium metabolism in premenopausal women. The publication describes the bioavailability of Aquamin vs. Calcium Carbonate vs. placebo in 12 females in a double-blind randomised cross-over trial. The differences in bioavailability were measured using PTH levels and urinary clearance.
This is interesting work done on healthy women, illustrating how different Aquamin is from Calcium Carbonate. Calcium in Aquamin is in the calcium carbonate form, but this study illustrates again how the honeycomb porous structure of Aquamin and its trace minerals tail have an impact on the effectiveness of the product and on the calcium bioavailability. Find more information on this latest study prepared by Marigot click here.
STAUBER is committed to ingredients that are backed by clinical research. If you need further information on Aquamin or any other STAUBER products, don’t hesitate to reach out to your STAUBER representative or contact us here.
By: Greg Berthomieu
- Zenk, JL, Frestedt JL, and Kuskowski MA Journal of Medicinal Food, (2017) “Overiew: Effect of calcium derived from Lithothamnion sp on markers of calcium metabolism in premenopausal women.” Download pdf