Nippi Collagen NA. Inc. names STAUBER Performance Ingredients as U.S. distributor for TruMarine™ Collagen

Nippi Collagen has teamed up with Stauber Ingredients to supply consumers with Marine collagen with multiple benefits to enhance inner beauty, skin, bone and joint health.

Burnaby, BC, Canada- Nippi Collagen NA. Inc has established a strategic alliance with STAUBER Performance Ingredients,  a supplier of value-added ingredients to the nutraceutical market for TruMarine™ Collagen, Nippi’s collagen peptides.  Nippi Collagen is a leader in providing high-quality marine collagen globally and is now bringing its knowledge and expertise of collagen peptides to the North American market with its exclusive ingredient TruMarine™ Collagen.

“Nippi and STAUBER are truly excited to be entering into this partnership.  The initial market reception for TruMarine™ Collagen has been extremely positive and our distribution agreement with STAUBER allows us to enter the high-growth US market quickly,” said Greg Nielsen, Vice President of Nippi Collagen NA Inc.  “It provides Nippi with an opportunity to bring our proprietary TruMarine™ Collagen ingredient to the American consumer.  STAUBER is focused on distributing breakthrough health ingredients with scientifically proven benefits and TruMarine™ Collagen fits well with their portfolio of premium products.”

STAUBER recognizes the growing potential and increasing demand for superior collagen products.  Our focus is on offering top quality, premier ingredients – and TruMarine certainly meets that criteria.” Emphasizes Dan Stauber, CEO of STAUBER. “Since  TruMarine™ is carefully extracted from marine sources of Collagen Type I, it offers a superior alternative to other animal-based collagen products and meets consumers highest standards.”

The nutraceutical industry is currently driven by a growing demand for the highest quality collagen peptides with the substantial increase in collagen peptide sales, up more than 25% according to recent Mintel Research data. Studies support that Type I collagen peptides extracted from marine sources consist of small peptide molecules that have enhanced bioavailability and digestibility compared to other collagen products. TruMarine™ collagen is virtually odorless, “taste – free” and is kosher certified.

About Nippi Collagen NA Inc.

Nippi is a pioneer in the field of collagen research and production and was the first to succeed in solubilizing collagen, receiving a patent for the process in 1960. The company focuses on providing the highest quality products with proven science that are fastened to solutions meeting the needs of the market. Research and Development are supported by the Research Institute of BioMatrix, (Tokyo, Japan) which continues to lead the world in the study of collagen peptides.

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